General privacy policy of Life Sciences Legal B.V.


Life Sciences Legal B.V. respects the privacy of your personal data and ensures that the personal information that is provided to us, or that we otherwise avail of, is dealt with confidentially. Personal data includes all information about a person. Also data that only indirectly provide information about a person, are personal data. With the following terms we implement the obligation of the GDPR to inform persons of whom Life Sciences Legal B.V. processes personal data.

Controller and communication

Life Sciences Legal B.V. processes personal data in order to offer its services, to improve its services and to be able to personally communicate with you. For the evaluation of our services, Life Sciences Legal B.V. may hire a third party. It is however always your decision to participate and to leave personal data for that purpose. Also, you may register yourself for receiving a newsletter ot other forms of communication of Life Sciences Legal B.V.

Purpose of processing of personal data

Life Sciences Legal B.V. processes the following personal data, solely for the purposes as set out hereafter:

  • The provision of legal services, including the performance of an agreement or the conduct of legal proceedings;
  • Collecting of invoices;
  • Advising, mediating and referring;
  • Compliance with legal and statutory obligations;
  • Marketing- and communication activities;
  • Job application and recruitment.

Which personal data are processed?

Life Sciences Legal B.V. processes the following (types or categories) of personal data in relation to its services, or that have been provided by a person out of his/her own initiative:

name, employer, business contact data such as address, telephone number, mobile number, business e-mail and e-mail correspondence. Only in cases you have provided this information to us, we process your ID-, driving license or passport number.

The aforementioned personal data are processed by Life Sciences Legal B.V. when you have provided these data to us, if we have obtained such data in the context of the provision of our services, if these personal data have been provided to us by third parties (including counter parties) or have become known via public sources.

Legal basis for data processing

Life Sciences Legal B.V. processes the aforementioned personal data solely on the basis of the grounds, that will be mentioned below, on the following legal grounds as referred to in Article 6 of the GDPR:

  • Legal obligation;
  • Performance of an agreement;
  • Obtained consent;
  • Legitimate interest.

Sharing of personal data with third parties

Life Sciences Legal B.V. only shares your personal data with third parties in as far as that is necessary for the provision of our services, taking into account the aforementioned purposes. An example may be temporary replacement by another lawyer, having conducted an expert research or the involvement of a third party on behalf of and in assignment of Life Sciences Legal B.V., such as an IT-supplier, but also the provision of personal data in relation to legal proceedings or correspondence with a counterparty.

In addition, Life Sciences Legal B.V. may provide personal data to a third party, such as an authority or another legal entity entrusted with law enforcement, in as far as there is a legal obligation to do so.

With every third party that processes your personal data on behalf of and in assignment of Life Sciences Legal B.V., a processing agreement will be entered into, due to which the third party is also obliged to comply with the GDPR. Third parties that are assigned by Life Sciences Legal B.V., that offer services as a data controller, are themselves responsible for the processing of your personal data. Examples hereof are an accountant, notary public, or another hired third party for providing a second opinion or expert report.

Protection of personal data

Life Sciences Legal B.V. is committed to the protection and safety of your personal data and ensures, taking into account the state of the art, for appropriate technical and organisational measures to offer a safety level in accordance with the risks. In case Life Sciences Legal B.V. uses the services of third parties, such as an IT-supplier, Life Sciences Legal B.V. will in the context of the protection of personal data agree on appropriate safeguards in a data processing agreement.

Data retention term

Life Sciences Legal B.V. stores personal data that it processes not longer than necessary, for the aforementioned purposes, or as long as is required by law. For archiving purposes we store all correspondence and files for twenty years after the end of a matter. During this period, the personal data cannot be accessed in a regular manner.

Rights with regard to personal data

You can send a request for access, correction, limitation, objection or portability of data, or the removal of your personal data or withdrawal of a consent, via the contact data below. Within 4 weeks you will receive a response.

There may be circumstances in which Life Sciences Legal B.V. cannot meet your request, or not fully. This may be the case when we have to observe our professional obligation of confidentiality or the statutory term to archive our files.

Requests can be directed to:

Life Sciences Legal B.V., E: T: 020-3336010.

In order to ensure that we provide personal data based on your request to the correct person, we may ask you to provide us, for verification purposes, a copy of a valid passport, driving license or ID, always with a blocked photo and social security number. Life Sciences Legal B.V. only processes requests that relate to your own personal data.

Social media

If on the website(s) of Life Sciences Legal B.V. buttons and/or links have been included to be able to promote or share certain webpages on social media networks or third party websites, such as X, LinkedIn or Facebook, Life Sciences Legal B.V. does not monitor and is not responsible for the processing of your personal data by such third parties. The use of such media is thus for your own risk. Prior to using the services of a third party, it is recommended to read their privacy statement first.

Changes to this privacy policy

Life Sciences Legal B.V. has the right to amend the content of this privacy policy any time, without prior notice. Amendments of this privacy policy will be published on the website of the law firm.

Questions and contact

In case of any questions about the processing of your personal data and this privacy policy you can contact Life Sciences Legal B.V.

This privacy policy has been adopted on 1 May 2018. © Life Sciences Legal B.V.